Procrastination: Are You Sabotaging Your Own Success?

Amelle Yassin
3 min readSep 4, 2023

and What You Can Do About It

Photo by Tim De Pauw on Unsplash

I’ll do it later.

I’ve got a little more time, and then I can do that.

Maybe tomorrow I can do it.

Does any of that sound familiar?

That’s me today and not wanting to write this article. Mostly because I took a day off today. But I also knew that if I took a day away and broke my streak I would lose my momentum and be starting all over again. That didn’t sound appealing.

Anyway, procrastination.

There’s something about not being able to do things. Because of a feeling of discomfort, fear or just not being able to since you’d much rather do something else instead.

Procrastination is a little bug that only grows in size the more one delays or postpones doing a task they’re meant to do. It can be a common human tendency but this pesky little bug can feast on a variety of these human reasons.

Such as fear of failure, perfectionism, or simply not knowing where to start.

There are ways to curb the bug at bay, however. The following can help you manage it and keep it as small as it should be.

Allowing you to do what you need to get done:

Sometimes breaking down large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones helps you make the task seem less scary and more doable.

Another important way to kick procrastination is by setting deadlines for yourself and then making sure to stick to them. This helps you stay on track and avoid putting things off until the last minute.

This one’s important. When you reward yourself for completing tasks, it keeps you motivated while repelling procrastination. Making it seem less appealing.

The Pomodoro technique is a good way to get things done when you need that extra bit of push. 30 minutes of uninterrupted work followed by a 5-minute break. Then 30 more minutes and another 5-minute break makes an hour of work done.

If you find yourself struggling to beat procrastination, start small. And go from there. Don’t try to tackle something big all at once. Just start with a small bit that you could easily finish doing.

Small steps over time add up, after all. So be kind to yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Procrastination can be a difficult habit to break, but it is possible. With a little bit of determination and a get-go attitude.

Little by little, you’ll be able to get to what needs to be done and in doing so make that little bug called procrastination grow even smaller with every task you do complete.

Day 4 is done and it feels good to have kicked the little procrastination bug to the curb. I know you can do it with your own task.

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Amelle Yassin

⚕ Physician turned writer. Aiming to improve 1% every single day. Self-development aficionado. Here to build up my writing consistency.