Conquering the First Chapter: A Guide for Writers

Amelle Yassin
3 min readMar 28, 2024
Photo by RetroSupply on Unsplash

Have you ever wasted hours staring at a blank page, waiting for inspiration?

You struggle to develop an idea for your story, but finally, inspiration strikes. You write the first chapter, believing it will make you a best-selling author. However, upon re-reading, you realize it needs improvement.

And then you toss all of it away.

Hey, I get it. Wrestling with that first chapter can feel like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube blindfolded — it’s a real head-scratcher! You want to hook your readers right from the start, but sometimes it feels like your words are doing the cha-cha in the wrong direction.

And let’s be real, staring at that chapter for too long can make you want to throw your laptop out the window and start a career in llama farming instead. But let’s stop for a moment. Take a deep breath and exhale.

Know that you’re not the only one who’s felt this way.

Loads of writers have gone through the “my first chapter is a dumpster fire” phase.

The good news? You can turn that dumpster fire into a sparkling beacon of literary goodness. Here are some practical things you can do in the meantime.

Step one: Give yourself a break. Seriously. Just put that chapter in timeout and come back to it later with a fresh perspective.

Step two: Try to get some outside opinions (possibly not from friends, since they’ll just say it’s nice or whatever you want to hear.) Share your chapter with fellow writers or beta readers who can offer constructive feedback. And if all else fails, dive into the first chapters of books you love for a little inspiration pick-me-up.

Step three: Shake things up. If your first chapter is feeling stale, try approaching it from a different angle. Maybe start in the middle of a scene, or introduce a surprising twist early on. Don’t be afraid to take risks and experiment with different narrative techniques to see what works best for your story.

Step four: Embrace the mess. Writing is a messy process, and it’s okay to have a messy first draft. Don’t get too hung up on making everything perfect right away. Sometimes, you need to embrace the chaos and let your creativity flow freely. You can always refine and polish your work later.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

It’s totally normal to have moments where you want to launch your laptop into the stratosphere. But remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a perfect first chapter.

Keep at it, keep tweaking, keep pushing, and you’ll get there. You’ve got this!

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Amelle Yassin

⚕ Physician turned writer. Aiming to improve 1% every single day. Self-development aficionado. Here to build up my writing consistency.